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  1. 10. huhtik. 2021 · function convertFarsi($str) {. return html_entity_decode(preg_replace('/\\\\u([a-f0-9]{4})/i', '&#x$1;', $str),ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); and it doesn't work. How can I convert these unicode to utf8 string ?


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  3. 1. kesäk. 2019 · my question is: how to convert String A to String B by php. and is there better way to readdir and get the url of each file. My code is: if(is_dir($parent)){. if($dh = opendir($parent)){. while(($file = readdir($dh)) != false){. if($file == "." or $file == ".."){.

  4. 20. maalisk. 2023 · Mar 20, 2023 - ISW Press. Iran Update, March 20, 2023. Annika Ganzeveld, Amin Soltani, Johanna Moore, Nicholas Carl, and Frederick W. Kagan. March 20, 2023, 7:00 pm ET. The Iran Updates are produced by the Critical Threats Project (CTP) at the American Enterprise Institute with support from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

  5. 28. huhtik. 2023 · Regime officials have expressed concern over the state of the Iranian economy for several months and the regimes economic policies have not restored the value of the national currency. [8] . Regime officials continued to express alarm on April 28.

  6. 18. lokak. 2023 · Iran Update, October 18, 2023. Ashka Jhaveri, Andie Parry, Johanna Moore, Brian Carter, and Amin Soltani. The Iran Update provides insights into Iranian and Iranian-sponsored activities abroad that undermine regional stability and threaten US forces and interests. It also covers events and trends that affect the stability and ...

  7. 9. jouluk. 2019 · How to decode a (percent encoding URL) that contains Arabic characters? Asked 4 years, 4 months ago. Modified 4 years, 2 months ago. Viewed 2k times. 6. I want to convert percent-encoding URLs in all languages but vb6 only supports English. I have tested the following code. but it can only convert English characters: Private Sub Form_Load()